Eclipse cheat sheet (using pdt & symfony)
Conflict handling
- right click on the original file (not on myFile.mine or myFile.r123) and select "team -> edit conflicts"
- (a two column diff editor opens)
- all changes are resolved from the right side ("theirs") to the left side
- non-conflicting changes are marked blue, conflicts are marked red
- manualy resolve the conflicts (you can use the "arrow icons in the right top of the window", or click on the small sqares in the middle of the two columns)
- save
- right click on the original file and select "team -> Mark resolved"
- submit
Example: merge an update (r123) in the trunk into a development branch
- select the working copy where you want implement the changes (branch)
- explorer: right click on the project -> team -> merge
- From: enter the source URL (trunk)
- From revision: enter the revision number before the last change was made (r122)
- To: use "From:" URL
- To revision: enter the revision where the last change was made (r123)
- Click "unified diff" to verify the result
- "Merge"
Find/Replace with regular expressions (regex)
Helpful to create the expression:
Example: remove all function calls of utf8_decode(otherstuff("foobar"))
- Find: utf8_decode\(([^)]+)\)
- Replace with: $1
- Options - Regular expression: check
Find matching brackets/braces
- Ctrl + P
Split screen horizontally
- Ctrl + _
Code completion / templates
- In the editor: hit [CTRL]-[SPACE]
Show whitespace characters
- right click in an empty area of the icon toolbar at the top -> customize perspective
- tab "commands" -> check "Editor Presentation"
Show hidden files in the explorer
- click on the small "down" arrow in the top left corner of the explorer -> Filters
- uncheck "*.files"
Manual php type hints
Just add this line in your code:
$url = $helper->get('url'); /*@var $url sfUrlHelper*/
Code templates are especially handy in MVC "view" templates, like symfony templates.
Example for if/elseif/else:
- In the main menu:
- Window -> Preferences
- Web and XML -> HTML Files -> Templates
- Click "New"
- Name: "php if"
- Description "php if/elseif/else/endif"
<?php if(${dollar}${expression}): ?> ${cursor}; <?php elseif(${dollar}${expression2}): ?> <?php else: ?> <?php endif; ?>
- Usage in the editor: hit [CTRL]-[SPACE] and select "php if" from the menu
Slow startup / indexing or much disk-space used
Solution: go to workspace/.metadata/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core.index.sql.h2 and delete the *.db files.
These are cache files which are rebuilt upon the next eclipse startup. Sometimes the are corrupted.
Charset / Encoding Detect Plugin
Note: both are not really working for autodetect:
Use cp1250
Go to Window > Pereferences > General > Workspace Type cp1250 into the dropdownbox (if not in the list, your have to type it!!)