git Cheat Sheet
- git status
- git log
- show commits
- git diff 93fc6e8
- show diff of a specific commit
- git remote show origin
- show info about remote
git remote get-url origin
show remote url even if unauthenticated
git remote -v
Git Clone
Start to work with a repository
- git clone [url]
Git Update
- git fetch
- Get repository from origin, but do not update files
- git merge origin/master
- Merge changes from upstream into your local working space, e.g. when you have no internet connection
- git pull
- = git fetch + git merge origin/master (shortcut)
All changed files, including new ones
- git commit -a -m 'blabla'
Only updated files:
- git commit -u -m 'blabla'
Remove all non-versioned files
- git clean -d --force
- git restore mydir/
Rollback a merge
git reset --hard c3e...a7e
Rollback a file
Diff for last change:
git log -p -1 myfile
Note the commit hash: a1b2c3...
Revert to last commit before (~1) the noted commit:
- git checkout a1b2c3...~1 -- myfile
- git stash --include-untracked
- save local changes which prevent pull or when interrupted
- git stash push -m my_stash
- Save with a name
- git pull or do something else
- git stash list
- git stash show
- git stash pop
- merge local changes back
Overwrite local repo with all changes from master
WARNING: all local changes are lost!
- git fetch --all
- git reset --hard origin/master
A single file:
- git checkout origin/master myfile.txt
Diff between revisions
- git diff cbb...705 c3e...a7e
Pull and Rebase
- git config branch.*branch-name*.rebase true
- or
- git config branch.autosetuprebase always
- Open the Git Repositories view and navigate to the local branch
- Open the context menu and select Configure Branch...
- In the resulting dialog, select the Rebase checkbox
Simple git ignore
- apt install git-extras
- git ignore myfile.txt
Remote / Origin
- git remote -v
- git remote show origin
- Reconfigure origin:
- git remote set-url origin
What branch am I on?
- git status
List branches, also remote
- git branch --all
Switch to branche
- git checkout mybranch
Switch to a remote branche (1st time)
- git pull
- git checkout --track origin/my-branch-name
Create a new branch
- git checkout -b mybranch
Create local branche on remote
- git push -u origin HEAD
Commit local changes into new branche
- git checkout -b my-new-branch
- git push origin my-new-branch
Delete branch
git branch --delete mybranch
- git push origin --delete mybranch
Reset messy dev branch with master
git reset --hard master
Synchronize branch list
git fetch -p
Make a branch to the new master
- git pull
- git status
- we are on branch mybranch
- git branch -m master old-master
- git branch -m mybranch master
- git push
- git push -u origin HEAD ?
- git push -f origin HEAD:master ?
- git pull
- git checkout master
- git reset --hard origin/master
- git branch --set-upstream-to origin/master
.gitignore does not work
- commit changes or you'll loose them with the next command
- git rm -rf --cached .
- git add .
- git commit -m "fixed untracked files"
git rm --cached is used to remove a file from the index. In the case where the file is already in the repo, git rm --cached will remove the file from the index, leaving it in the working directory and a commit will now remove it from the repo as well. Basically, after the commit, you would have unversioned the file and kept a local copy.
git reset HEAD file ( which by default is using the --mixed flag) is different in that in the case where the file is already in the repo, it replaces the index version of the file with the one from repo (HEAD), effectively unstaging the modifications to it.
In the case of unversioned file, it is going to unstage the entire file as the file was not there in the HEAD. In this aspect git reset HEAD file and git rm --cached are same, but they are not same ( as explained in the case of files already in the repo)
Git Config
Show config:
git config --list
Set a complex option via cmd
- git config credential.helper 'cache --timeout=3600'
vi ~/.gitconfig
[core] editor = '/usr/bin/vim' [credential] # cache credentials for 10 hours helper = cache --timeout=36000 # or store credentials in plaintext (!) helper = store [user] name = Katinga Humbuwatso email = [pull] # rebase by default # @see rebase = true
Accept Self Signed Certificates
- git config http.sslverify false
Change Name/Email in last commit
git commit --amend --author="John Doe <>"
Checkout a specific revision
- git checkout d8fj28d
Merge dev into master
I generally like to merge master into the development first so that if there are any conflicts, I can resolve in the development branch itself and my master remains clean.
In the dev branche
git pull
git merge origin/master -m "merged changes from master"
git checkout master
(switch to master)
git merge --no-ff klemens_dev -m 'merged development branch into master'
(create a separate commit note to find out later, who did the actual merge to master and at which time)
git push
Cherry pick
- Pick the latest commit from a branche:
- git cherry-pick myOtherBranche
- Pick a specific commit from any other branche
- git cherry-pick 93fc6e8
Create patch files from range of commits
git format-patch 58ce949^..926dc87
git format-patch --stdout 58ce949^..926dc87 > patch1.patch
Apply patches
- git am *.patch -> no fuzzy (solution: "-3" option)
- If that does not work:
- Revert patch with
- git am --abort
- And try
- git apply -3 xxx.patch
- Resolve conflicts manually
- Revert patch with
Move existing, uncommitted work to a new branch
git switch -c myNewBranche
Old / more control:
- git checkout -b myNewBranche
- git add ...
- git commit -m "bla bla"
Commit emtpy folders
- mkdir fooFolder
- vi fooFolder/.gitignore
* !.gitignore
Create private Git Repo on Server
On the server as root:
- adduser example
- (adduser example ssh-user)
Connect to the server as user:
- ssh -p 222
- git init --bare example-project
- mkdir ~/.ssh
- chmod 700 ~/.ssh
- vi .ssh/authorized_keys
- Insert your public ssh key
On your dev machine import existing code
- cd ~/example-project
- git init
- git add *
- git rm --cached a-file-to-ignore.txt
- git rm --cached -r a-directorye-to-ignore
- vi .gitignore
- a-file-to-ignore.txt
- a-file-to-ignore.txt
- git ad .gitignore
- git commit -m 'Initial commit'
- git remote add origin ssh://
- git push --set-upstream origin master
Import from Subversion (svn)
- cd /projects/foo_svn
- svn log --xml --quiet | grep author | sort -u | perl -pe 's/.*>(.*?)<.*/$1 = /' > ../authors.txt
- cd ..
- vi authors.txt
- joe = Joe <>
mary = Mary <>
- joe = Joe <>
- git svn clone --no-metadata -A authors.txt --stdlayout --branches=branches/* --tags=tags/* --trunk=trunk foo
- # then push it to origin as described in "Create private Git Repo on Server" above.