Horde Preferences Cheatsheet
- Preferences for horde are in /var/www/horde/config
- Preferences for modules (eg "imp") are in /var/www/horde/imp/config
Config Places and Precedences
- All available preferences are in prefs.php. They therfore act as reference.
- Custom global preferences go into prefs.local.php. They overrule pref.php
- Prefs set by the users are in the database table "horde.horde_prefs". They overrule prefs.local.php
If you want to enfore global preferences you have to delete the according user database entries!
Format / Syntax
Most prefs are set using the "value" key. Example:
<?php /* /var/www/horde/config/prefs.local.php */ $_prefs['initial_application']['value'] = 'imp';
Others are given differently. See prefs.php for reference
<?php /* /var/www/horde/config/prefs.local.php */ $_prefs['theme']['locked'] = true;
Some use serialized php arrays:
<?php /* /var/www/horde/imp/config/prefs.local.php */ // list of folders to poll for new mail $_prefs['nav_poll']['value'] = serialize(array( 'INBOX' => 1, 'INBOX.Spam' => true, ));
The can also be given as serialized strings. Use these online services to translate:
<?php /* /var/www/horde/imp/config/prefs.local.php */ // list of folders to poll for new mail $_prefs['nav_poll']['value'] = 'a:2:{s:5:"INBOX";i:1;s:10:"INBOX.Spam";b:1;}';
User Preferences in Database
Table: "horde_prefs"
- mysql -D horde
- DESC horde_prefs;
+------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | pref_uid | varchar(200) | NO | PRI | | | | pref_scope | varchar(16) | NO | PRI | | | | pref_name | varchar(32) | NO | PRI | | | | pref_value | longblob | YES | | NULL | | +------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+-------+
Check entries for a preference
- SELECT * from horde_prefs WHERE pref_name="nav_poll"\G;
Check entries for a preference, horde app and a specific user
- SELECT * from horde_prefs WHERE pref_scope="imp" AND pref_name="nav_poll" and pref_uid="elon@example.com"\G;
Delete all user preferences for a setting to enforce global settings (CAUTION!)
- DELETE FROM horde_prefs WHERE pref_scope="imp" AND pref_name="nav_poll";
The value in "pref_value" is usually corresponding to the "value" key in prefs.php. Example:
- Database "pref_value" for "nav_poll": a:1:{s:5:"INBOX";i:1;}
- prefs.local.php: $_prefs['nav_poll']['value'] = 'a:1:{s:5:"INBOX";i:1;}';
Apply Preferences
Global preferences are only applied when the user logs out and again logs in.