Linux shell / bash / commands cheatsheet
Use VI like tail -f but with syntax highlighting:
- vi /var/log/syslog
:set autoread | au CursorHold * checktime | call feedkeys("lh")
- press "G" to go to the end of the file
Explain shell commands
Bash redirection
to file
- command > stdout.txt
- command 2> stderr.txt
- command &> stdout_and_err.txt
- command > stdout.txt 2> stderr.txt
- command |& cat
- pipe stdout + stderr
- or older: "command 2>&1 | cat"
Advanced with pipe
- command | tee stdout.txt outputs stdout to shell and stdout.txt
Be careful, tee swallows the exit code!
- false | tee /dev/null;echo $?
- "0" !!! = the return code of tee. Workaround, use pipefail:
- set -o pipefail && false | tee /dev/null;echo $?
- "1" -> good!
TODO: check the following for exit code preservation:
Output stdout+stderr and log to files:
- command > >(tee --append stdout.txt) 2> >(tee --append stderr.txt >&2) | cat
Ideal for cronjobs: Logs stdout and stderr to the same file, outputs stderr but hides stdout
- command > >(tee --append command.log > /dev/null) 2> >(tee --append command.log >&2) | cat
The final "| cat" returns to the prompt
Ignore a certain exit code (e.g. 127) and return 0 instead:
- mycommand || [ $? -eq 127 ]
Directory wildcards:
- find /mydir/2022*/tree ...
Find dirname1 or dirname2
- find /mypath -type d \( -name dirname1 -o -name dirname2 \) -exec echo '{}' \;
Big files:
- find / -size +10M -exec ls -lah '{}' \;
- find /srv -size +1G -name '*.log' -exec ls -lah '{}' \;
- Then delete with
- find /srv -size +1G -name '*.log' -exec rm -v '{}' \;
Find files in directories which may not exist and supress error message "No such file or directory"
(Note: not possible to use "find -exec" together with redirect "2> /dev/null", xargs --no-run-if-empty is necessary for "ls")
- find /root -type f -name "do*" 2> /dev/null | xargs --no-run-if-empty ls -l
- find /root -type f -name "do*" 2> /dev/null | xargs rm -v
Cat / Tail / Head
Show from second line onwards (hide first line):
- tail --lines=+2 my.file
Show 10 lines starting from line 95:
- tail --lines=+96 my.file | head --lines=10
- cut --delimiter=" " --field=1
Limit to one argument, so echo is called for each file of ls:
- ls -1 | xargs --max-args=1 echo
Watch with difference highlighting
- watch --differences ls -la
Watch without clearing the screen
while true; do ls -la; sleep 2; done
Watch without clearing the screen and logging
while true; do \ date | tee --append watch.log; \ ls -la | tee --append watch.log; \ sleep 2; \ done
Remove all partitions
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=512 count=1
Or safer, because it warns when overwriting active partitions:
wipefs --all /dev/sdb
sgdisk --zap-all /dev/sdb
List all network devices in local network
nmap -sP
All running processes
ps -aux
Kill a process: kill -9 2745
Log Top 10 Processes
watch -t -n 10 "top -b -n 1 | head -n 17 | tee -a /var/log/top.log"
- watch -n 10 (every 10 seconds) -t (without header)
- top -b (batch) -n 1 (only one iteration/refresh)
- head -n 17 (show the first 17 lines)
- tee -a log.log (-a append)
List open ports
netstat -pntl
Number of files in directory
ls -1 | wc -l
Delete files modified older than one month
Values are in minutes
find /var/lib/php/sessions/ -type f -cmin +43200 -delete
Inode information:
df -i
Find directory which uses most inodes
find /var -xdev -printf '%h\n' | sort | uniq -c | sort -k 1 -n
"list open files" - show all open handels. Can be used as a last resort action to find out who blocks a file/device
lsof | grep /mnt
Shows which process access the harddrive (with "-c" in the current directory)
fatrace -c
Monitor which files a process accesses
strace -p 1234
Log harddrive access
E.g. to find out what wakes up a hdd
- echo 1 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/block_dump
- tail -f /var/log/syslog | grep sdb
total foreach subdir
du --max-depth=1 -h
du ./* -shx
Force du to include hidden directories (.dir/)
du .[!.]* * -shx
sort by size, human readable
du -hs ./* | sort -h
Get the current unix timestamp
date +%s
Get a list of disks
- parted
- print devices
Get uuids of disks for fstab
- blkid
Get uuid for a device
- blkid -o value -s UUID /dev/sda1
Great overview over disks and partitions
Remove MBR
E.g. from bootable USB-Stick
- sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc bs=446 count=1
- fsck.ext3 -v -f -c -y /dev/sdb1
- smartctl -a /dev/sdb
GUI: palimpsest
Look for incoming ssh traffic
tcpdump 'tcp port 80'
Look for i/o intensive processes
ip link
Show hardware network interfaces
Correct edit time of files
30 minutes in the future. For the past use "30 minutes ago"
touch -d "30 minutes" filename.txt
Replicate a directory structure as symlinks
- cp -avs /source/uploads/ /destination/uploads/
Permanently disable a service
systemctl disable smartmontools
Show logs of shutdown / reboots
Display list of last reboot entries: last reboot | less
Display list of last shutdown entries: last -x | less
or more precisely: last -x | grep shutdown | less
Use comments in single line commands
- date; `# show the current date`; ls -l; `# show contents of current directory`; hostname --fqdn; `# show fqdn of hostname`
Or split to multiple lines for better readability
date; `# show the current date`; \ ls -l; `# show contents of current directory`; \ hostname --fqdn; `# show fqdn of hostname`
Add user with disabled password
- adduser --disabled-password myusername
Get current network interface name
ls /sys/class/net | grep enp
Search and Replace with sed
- sed 's/search/replace/g'
- sed 's/^search/replace/g'
- "search" needs to be at the begining of the line
diff / patch
- diff --unified oldfile newfile > file.patch
- patch -i file.patch mytarget
Idempotent patch:
# To be idempotent never reverse the patch (--forward) and don't create .rej files
# We also swallow the warning "Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected! Skipping patch. 1 out of 1 hunk ignored" with " 2>&1 /dev/null"
# Further more we need to catch the exit code 1 of "hunks ignored". (appended " || [ $? -eq 1 ]")
- patch --silent --forward --reject-file=- -i file.patch mytarget 2>&1 /dev/null || [ $? -eq 1 ]
Add users and groups
Add user and group with no login and password
- addgroup vmail
- adduser --disabled-password --no-create-home --gecos "" --shell /usr/sbin/nologin --ingroup vmail vmail
Funky installer one liner
- bash <(wget -O -