symfony 4/5 controller/action Cheatsheet

Get Request Params

  • $request->headers->all()
  • GET: $request->query->all()
  • POST: $request->request->all()
  • e.g. JSON payload: $request->getContent() + json_decode()
  • $request->server->all()


Get env/debug

  • $this->getParameter('kernel.environment')  // prod, dev
    $this->getParameter('kernel.debug') // true, false


Error Handling / 404 / 500

  • // In a controller action
    if (!$foo)) {
        throw $this->createNotFoundException('No foo going on!');

Custom error page:

  • Create "templates/bundles/TwigBundle/Exception/error.html.twig"
    • {% extends 'base.html.twig' %}
      {# Test with http://localhost:8040/_error/404 #}
      {% block body %}
          <h1>{{ status_code }} - Sorry, something went wrong...</h1>
              <a href="/">Back to homepage</a>.
              setTimeout(() => {
                  window.location.href = '/';
              }, 2000);
      {% endblock %}


  • return $this->redirect($fixedUrl, 301);

Redirect directly from a controller subroutine:

  • $redirectResponse = $this->redirect($fixedUrl, 301);

Generate URL

  • $this->generateUrl('fooRouteName', [
        'foo' => 'bar',
    ], 1); // 1 = ABSOLUTE_PATH e.g. "/dir/file"

Generate URL outside controller, eg. in repository

  • class FooRepository extends ServiceEntityRepository
        private $router;
        public function __construct(RouterInterface $router)
            $this->router = $router;
            parent::__construct($registry, Foo::class);
        public function bar() {
            $this->router->generate(...); // Same method as "generateUrl()" in controller

Use Doctrine / EntityManager

  • // In a symfony controller inject the entity manager:
    public function test(EntityManagerInterface $em) {   
        $country = new Country();