ullright automated software tests

We use two different types of tests:

  • Functional tests ("end-to-end" system tests)
  • Unit tests

The test are packaged with each ullright plugin.

  • Unit tests in plugins/myPlugin/test/unit
  • Functional tests in plugins/myPlugin/test/functional

The tests are run the symfony style "php symfony test:all"

We use a patched version of the test tasks. Documentation can be found here:

Fixture and Database Handling

Each ullright module has a file with test fixtures located in plugins/ullMyPlugin/data/fixtures/ullMyFixtures.yml

Normally these test fixtures are used for the automated tests as well. A symlink is created from the test directory to the plugin's fixture file. Example: plugins/ullMyPlugin/test/unit/ullMyFixtures.yml is a symlink to plugins/ullMyPlugin/data/fixtures/ullMyFixtures.yml.

A unit test in automatically loads all fixtures in the current directory

Reloading the database can be slow. To improve the performance test we use use cached mysql dumps since 2010-03-15

That means,  if you changed the fixtures or the database layout you have to clear the cache!

php symfony cache:clear