ullright combining assets | sfCombinePlugin

Enable module in apps/frontend/config/settings.yml

    enabled_modules:        [...i, sfCombine]

add to the end of the "app:" section in apps/frontend/config/app.yml

  # sfCombine: enabling the plugin will combine script and css files into a single file
  # Disabled by default, enable it per action e.g. for ullCms/show 
  # @see apps/frontend/modules/ullCms/actions/actions.class.php  executeShow()
    enabled:        false          # enabling the plugin will combine script and css files into a single file
    asset_version:  0             # key to the asset version
    client_cache_max_age: 10      # enable the browser to keep a copy of the files for x days (false to disable)
    gzip:           true          # allow PHP gzipping of the combined JavaScript and CSS files to reduce bandwidth usage
    url_type:       files         # can be key, files, or base64 (note files can be buggy without an asset version)
    filter_include_unused_groups: true # whether to use the filter to include groups that havent been output
      enabled: true               # suffix a timestamp where available to files for their asset version
      uncombinable: true          # timestamp files that aren't combinable
      combine: true               # whether or not to perform combining actions
      #combine_skip: ~             # these files will not be combined (necessary when js code is based on js file name)
      combine_skip:  [/ullCorePlugin/js/ckeditor/ckeditor.js]
      include: true               # whether to allow the including of files
      include_suffixes:           # suffixes of files that can be included
          - .php
      include_skip: ~             # files that should be skipped on includes
      minify:       true          # process js files to shrink them
      minify_method: [sfCombineMinifierJsMin, minify]
      minify_method_options: []
      minify_skip_suffixes:       # files with this suffix will not be minified
          - .min.js
      minify_skip: ~              # these files will not be minified (useful when code is already minified)
      filename_comments: true     # include filenames of combined files in comments
      group_files: true           # minify all available files together in one minify action
      cache_minified_files: true  # cache minified versions of files (to not minify multiple times)
      route: sfCombineJs          # the route name js files will use
      inline_minify_method: ~
      inline_minify_method_options: ~
      combine: true               # whether or not to perform combining actions
      combine_skip: ~             # these files will not be combined
      include: true               # whether to allow the including of files
      include_suffixes:           # suffixes of files that can be included
          - .php
      include_skip: ~             # files that should be skipped on includes
      minify:       true          # process js files to shrink them
      minify_method: [sfCombineMinifierCssMin, minify]
      minify_method_options: []
      minify_skip_suffixes:       # files with this suffix should not be minified
          - .min.css
      minify_skip: ~              # these files will not be minified (useful when code is already minified)
      filename_comments: true     # include filenames of combined files in comments
      group_files: true           # minify all available files together in one minify action
      route: sfCombineCss         # the route name css files will use
      cache_minified_files: true  # cache minified versions of files (to not minify multiple times)
      keep_charset: true          # if there is a charset in a css file keep it
      prepend_imports: true       # move all imports to the top of a css file
      prepend_imports_warning:    # if imports are moved a warning to output
        Imports may be incorrectly placed, please remove for ideal combining
      inline_minify_method: ~
      inline_minify_method_options: ~           

Adjust web/.htaccess to allow .css and .js to be loaded

  # we skip all files with .something
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} \..+$
  # But not html, css and js for sfCombine
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.html$
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.css$
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.js$
  RewriteRule .* - [L]

In apps/frontend/modules/ullCms/actions/actions.class.php add or extend executeShow():

   * ullCms show action
   * @see BaseUllCmsActions::executeShow()
  public function executeShow(sfRequest $request)
    // Enable js/css combine
    if ('prod' === sfConfig::get('sf_environment'))
      sfConfig::set('app_sfCombinePlugin_enabled', true);
    return parent::executeShow($request);