ullright taggable analysis
1) What's in use @ ullright-propel
- wiki-search: doesn't use taggable plugin. searches in "duplicate_tags_for_propel_search"
- wiki-update:
- $ullwiki->setTags(strtolower($this->getRequestParameter('tags')));
- $ullwiki->setDuplicateTagsForPropelSearch(strtolower($this->getRequestParameter('tags')));
- flow-tabular(=list)
- $c = TagPeer::getTaggedWithCriteria('UllFlowDoc', $tags, $c);
- search:
- $cton_tags = $c->getNewCriterion(UllFlowDocPeer::DUPLICATE_TAGS_FOR_PROPEL_SEARCH, $search_word_first, Criteria::LIKE);
- flow-delete:
- $doc->removeAllTags();
- fieldHandlerTags
- $tags_pop = TagPeer::getPopulars();
$return .= '<br />' . __('Popular tags') . ':';
$return .= tag_cloud($tags_pop, 'addTag("%s", "' . $options['id'] . '")', array('link_function' => 'link_to_function'));
- $tags_pop = TagPeer::getPopulars();
2) blueprint / specification
- delete: cascade to delete tags
- select should use join to use only one query
- should use only one general tag2model table to allow doing statistics over tags in general (most used tag in all models)