ullright updates
r70 - 2008-08-05
upgrade to symfony 1.1
- If necessary update your custom layout. All symfony URL have to be in format "module/action". Replace "/" with "@homepage" and "myModule" with "myModule/index"
r69 - 2008-08-04
- activate the escaping strategy:
- apps/frontend/config/settings.yml:
all: .settings: escaping_strategy: on escaping_method: ESC_SPECIALCHARS
- apps/frontend/config/settings.yml:
r55 - 2008-06-22
- db schema update (add column default_value to ull_flow_field)
- php plugins/ullCorePlugin/batch/db_update_2008_06_22.php
r31 - 2008-06-13
- db schema update (add 'tags to ull_wiki and ull_flow_doc to allow easier search)
- php plugins/ullCorePlugin/batch/db_update_2008_06_13.php
- update tags for ullWiki
- php plugins/ullWikiPlugin/batch/migrateTagsForPropelSearch.php
- the same for ullFlow
- php plugins/ullFlowPlugin/batch/migrateTagsForPropelSearch.php
r27 - 2008-06-10
- limit the number of popular tags displayed:
- apps/frontend/config/app.yml:
tags: limit: 16
- apps/frontend/config/app.yml:
- adapt subversion config to new repository layout
- svn propedit svn:externals plugins
ullCorePlugin https://ssl.ull.at/svn/ullright/trunk/plugins/ullCorePlugin ullWikiPlugin https://ssl.ull.at/svn/ullright/trunk/plugins/ullWikiPlugin ullFlowPlugin https://ssl.ull.at/svn/ullright/trunk/plugins/ullFlowPlugin ullThemeDefault https://ssl.ull.at/svn/ullright/trunk/plugins/ullThemeDefault
- svn propedit svn:externals plugins
- db schema update (add "default_list_columns" to table ull_flow_app)
- php plugins/ullCorePlugin/batch/db_update_2008_06_02.php
- default data:
- admin -> ull_flow_app -> "todo" -> default_list_columns =
- id,ull_flow_app_id,title,priority,creator_user_id,created_at
- suggestions for the ticket tool:
- admin -> ull_flow_app -> "ticket_tool" -> default_list_columns =
- id,title,priority,custom_field1,created_at,assigned_to_ull_user_id
- sql: (adjust your caller field_id to your needs)
- UPDATE ull_flow_doc d LEFT JOIN ull_flow_value v ON (d.id = v.ull_flow_doc_id AND v.ull_flow_field_id = 3) SET d.custom_field1 = v.value;
- admin -> ull_flow_app -> "ticket_tool" -> default_list_columns =
- admin -> ull_flow_app -> "todo" -> default_list_columns =
addes styles and syntax highlighting to ullWiki:
svn propedit svn:externals plugins
Update your custom UllFlowRules:
- admin -> ull_flow_actions -> add 'save'
- admin -> ull_flow_steps -> add 'todo', 'save'
- admin -> ull_flow_step_actions -> add 'todo-save' -> close
- db_update:
- php plugins/ullCorePlugin/batch/db_update_2008_05_16.php
- admin -> ull_flow_action -> 'reject' -> 'comment_is_mandatory'
- admin -> ull_flow_action -> add 'return' & 'reject'
- admin -> ull_fields -> add 'tags'
- admin -> ull_flow_fields -> add 'tags'
- admin -> add ull_access_group
- admin -> add ull_access_group_group
- admin -> ull_flow_app -> add ull_access_group_group
- admin -> ull_flow_fields -> add ull_access_group_group
- admin -> ull_flow_step_actions -> 'todo' -> add 'closed'
- db_update:
- php plugins/ullCorePlugin/batch/db_update_2008_05_07.php
- admin -> ull_fields -> add 'information_update'
- admin -> ull_flow_fields -> ticket/bug: body: change field_type to information_update
- admin -> ull_flow_doc -> edit column info -> 'title' -> rename to 'Subject' / 'Betreff'
- template changes:
- stylesheets:
- If you want to build your custom css on top of the default css, remove your custom 'common.css' and make your custom 'main.css' look like:
/* load default css files */ @import "/ullThemeDefault/css/main.css"; /* define your custom (override) settings here... */
- If you want to build your custom css on top of the default css, remove your custom 'common.css' and make your custom 'main.css' look like:
- layout.php
- Some improvements have been made ($layout, structure, ...)
- Update:
- rename your custom layout.php to layout.php.old
- copy layout.php from ullThemeDefault
- port your changes (navigation links?)
- stylesheets:
- Authentification
- frontend/config/app.yml
- add
auth: function: internal
- ...
- add
- frontend/config/app.yml
- convert tags:
- UPDATE sf_tag SET name = lower(name);
- admin -> ull_fields -> add 'wiki_link'
- admin -> ull_flow_fields -> add Helpdesk_tool;wiki_link; solutions
- admin -> ull_fields -> add 'Upload'
- admin -> ull_flow_fields -> add Helpdesk_tool;upload;attachments
- admin -> ull_flow_actions -> add 'save_only' (params like save_close)
- copy ullThemeDefault/main.css to custom theme
- svn ignore uploads:
- cd web
- svn propedit svn:ignore uploads/
- *
- table UllFlowDoc -> edit column info:
- ull_flow_app_id -> 'Application' / 'Anwendung'
- title -> 'Title' / 'Titel'
- priority -> 'Priority' / 'Wichtigkeit'
- update ull_flow_doc d LEFT JOIN ull_flow_value v ON (d.id = v.ull_flow_doc_id AND v.ull_flow_field_id = 11) set d.priority=v.value;
- tag system:
symfony plugin-install http://plugins.symfony-project.com/sfPropelActAsTaggableBehaviorPlugin
- vi config/propel.ini
- propel.builder.addBehaviors = true
- propel.builder.addBehaviors = true
- php plugins/ullCorePlugin/batch/db_update_2008_04_18.php
- If you use a custom template:
- copy tag params form ullThemeDefault/main.css
- php plugins/ullCorePlugin/batch/db_update_2008_04_17.php
svn propedit svn:externals plugins-
sfPropelImpersonatorPlugin http://svn.symfony-project.com/plugins/sfPropelImpersonatorPlugin/tags/0.1alpha
- Add ullFlowAction 'reopen'
- Helpdesktool: create step 'reopen'
- Add ullFlowStepAction step 'close' -> action 'reopen'
- config/propel.ini (to allow code completion in eclipse)
- propel.builder.addComments = true